Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Interview with Maya (a librarian).

Last week 2 AMEP classes interviewed Maya a librarian at St George TAFE. We did it on Video conference. At first we said hello, and we wanted to ask her some questions about her experience in Australia.

Students: Where are you from?
Maya:I'm from Russia.

Students:How long have you been in Australia?
Maya:I've been in Australia for four years.

Students:How did you start work?
Maya:At first I worked as a volunteer, which is without any pay.

Students:How did you get this job?
Maya:My teacher helped me and found it for me to start here in Australia.

Students:Did you have to study at University when you came here or you just used your qualification from overseas?
Maya:No, I didn't do anything at University here. I just did the EFS English course at TAFE.

Students:Did you come by yourself to Australia?
Maya:No, I came with my husband and my children.

Students:Do you speak English at home with your husband and children?
Maya:No, we speak Russian.

Students:Did you work as a librarian in your country?
Maya:No, I didn't.

Students:Can you tell us one of your responsibilities and explain it?
Maya:Yes; the first one is customer service: helping students to find the books, CDs and anything else like information for example.

Students:Do you like it?
Maya:Yes I do.

Students:So, thanks Maya for everything and thanks for your time. BYE.


  1. Your blog is so beautiful!You work very hard!You publish so many texts!

  2. Ah thanks your blog is nice as well
